Saturday, October 31, 2009


I have run into a few problems, the first was when the title and some pictures kept going behind the picture i was using as the background for my website, even though i had sent it to the back over and over again. So i had to get the teacher to help and he found out how to use an image instead of a colour as the background which pretty much fixed up the problem. Another thing was that when i published my site to check it the links at the top of the page weren't working but only some of them and only on some pages. The links weren't the same ones either. Finally i figured out that it was becuase the image which i had used as the title on all of my pages was at the top and for some reason when the site was published it brought it in front of the links so i couldn't click them through it. To fix this i just most down all the things but the links on each of my pages.

Jenova Page

I was originally going to put Jenovas profile on the character page with the rest of them but i didn't really think it fitted well and there was a lot more i wanted, or really needed, to put with Jenova to explain her. So i gave Jenova a whole page, it's the only page with a different background, just black instead of the picture. But it still has the little edges around the picture and the matching stripe down the bottom, just a different colour, so it still matches the rest of the website.

Character Page

The Character page was a little hard because at first i wasn't going to put everyone in, i thought it would be to big but one of my favourite characters isn't one of the main characters so in order to put her in i had to put the whole team in. But then again it still looks pretty awesome and it was fun. I also learn't a few things from writing the short blurbs about them, such as the fact that Marlene was Barrets adopted daughter, i never knew that.


So this term in Creative Madia our task is to create a website and a poster, as well as a trailer if we have time. At first i was going to create a website about the Chunin exams in Naruto but it was to hard to create an awesome wesite with colours that matched what was actually in the episodes so instead i chose to create my wesite on Final Fantasy Advent Children which is totally awesome and i can't believe i didn't think of that first. Anyway for what i wanted to put in my website i thought a page for the trailer, a homepage, a characters page, a Jenova page and mabye something else like weapons, oh yeah and a poster page.